Did you know that there is a waterfall that was the setting for the famous song “Going Over Amagi”? The name of the waterfall is “Joren Falls”. Joren Falls is famous for the water that flows violently into the pool. This violence is an essential part of the lyrics of “Going Over Amagi”. For that reason, many people visit the tourist spot where “Going Over Amagi” was set. In this article, we will introduce in detail Joren Falls in Shizuoka Prefecture, the best waterfall in Izu, which was the setting for the famous song “Going Over Amagi”.

①【Joren Falls】 Izu’s famous scenic waterfall!! ︎

【Joren Falls】 Izu's famous scenic waterfall

Joren Falls is a waterfall that spans the upper reaches of the Hontani River in the Kano River system in Yugashima, Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Joren-no-taki is pronounced “Joren-no-taki.” The drop is 25m, the width is 7m, the depth of the basin is 15m, and the waterfall type is a direct waterfall. Joren Falls is said to be the largest waterfall on Mt. Amagi.


❶What is the origin of the name Joren Falls?

The name Joren Falls comes from the fact that there was a temple called Jorenji near the waterfall. It is said that Jorenji Temple was located in the mountains on the left bank of the Kano River.

❷Joren Falls was a waterfall that people could not approach until the end of the Meiji period.

Until the end of the Meiji period, Joren Falls was located within a cliff and narrow valley, and was a waterfall that people could not easily approach. It was Ando Toemon, a great man from Amagi, who made it possible for people to enter Joren Falls. This is due to the opening of the Japanese inn “Yumotokan” in 1891. As a result, many cultural figures come to visit this inn. Years later, in 1901, Touemon single-handedly opened the road leading down to Joren Falls, allowing people to come and go. A stone monument is still erected at Joren Falls to honor Touemon’s achievements.

❸A waterfall famous for the famous Japanese song “Amagigoe”

A waterfall famous for the famous Japanese song “Amagigoe”

Joren Falls is famous for being the setting for the famous Japanese song “Amagigoe.” “Amagigoe” was released in 1986 by enka singer Sayuri Ishikawa.

❹Enjoy mountain stream fishing.

Enjoy mountain stream fishing

You can enjoy mountain stream fishing just downstream of the river where Joren Falls is located. A fishing spot using the natural Hontani River has been built at Joren Falls. Amago and rainbow trout are stocked here. You can rent a complete set of fishing equipment such as fishing rods, so you can come and fish empty-handed. You can also take the fish you caught home or grill it on the spot. Once you get used to it, you can easily catch it, so even beginners can try it with confidence.

❺There is a wasabi field nearby.

There is a wasabi field nearby

There is a wasabi field near Joren Falls. The reason why natural wasabi can be grown near Joren Falls is because the water from the falls is cold and clear. You can see a rare scene of wasabi fields stretching far along the promenade of Joren Falls.

➁【Ueno Falls】 A hidden waterfall full of adventure‼︎

【Ueno Falls】 A hidden waterfall full of adventure

Ueno is a waterfall located upstream of Joren Falls. The drop is 10m, and the waterfall type is a direct waterfall. However, it is not as famous as Joren Falls, and its existence is largely unknown. For this reason, it is also called “Deep Falls”. You can get to Ueno Falls by walking upstream on the Hontani River, the Kano River system, where Joren Falls flows.

❶Waterfalls without a promenade.

Waterfalls without a promenade

▲You can go down to the bottom of the cliff using this ladder.

Ueno Falls is a waterfall without a walking path. Therefore, it is necessary to climb up the path without a path. To get to the upper falls, follow the footprints of your shoes, follow the red flags and tiger ropes along the way, and descend toward the stream. There you will find a stair ladder that looks rotten, so use it to go down further. Once you see the stream, you can walk upstream to reach the upper waterfall. However, it is not recommended for beginners to go alone. Be sure to go with someone. It is dangerous to go to Ueno Falls alone.

➂Access information to Joren Falls.

Here you will find detailed information about access to Joren Falls. The address of Joren Falls is 892-14 Yugashima, Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

❶Route from Izu City Hall to Joren Falls by car

Izu City Hall (Kodatsuno, Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture) ⇒ National Route 136 ⇒ Prefectural Route 349 ⇒ National Route 414 ⇒ Joren Falls

The total travel distance is approximately 13.9 km, and it takes approximately 22 minutes to reach the destination.

Summary 【Joren Falls】

This time, we introduced Shizuoka Prefecture’s Joren Falls, the number one waterfall in Izu that was the setting for the famous Japanese song “Amagigoe.” Joren Falls in Shizuoka Prefecture is a violent waterfall that is reminiscent of Amagigoe, with falling water slamming into the basin. One side always has a refreshing atmosphere, making it a cool and tight space. There are mountain stream fishing spots and wasabi fields nearby, and you can fully enjoy Izu’s best waterfall. When you visit Shizuoka Prefecture, why not stop by Joren Falls?

伊豆市 観光情報 浄蓮の滝(じょうれんのたき)
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