【Naruto Strait】Spectacular views of Tokushima Prefecture

Speaking of Naruto Strait, it is “Uzushio”. In particular, the whirlpools in the Naruto Strait are some of the largest in the world due to the unique topography. ″Onaruto Bridge” and ″Uzushio Cruise” are places where you can experience the whirlpools for yourself. Those who see a real whirlpool for the first time will be breath-taking as it is more powerful than they could have imagined. The whirlpools of the Naruto Strait are so worth seeing. This time, we will introduce you to the details of Naruto’s Uzushio, which is a very impressive Onaruto Bridge and scenic whirlpool cruise.

About “Onaruto Bridge” that connects Awaji Island and Tokushima.

About “Onaruto Bridge”

Onaruto Bridge is a bridge that connects Awaji Island and Tokushima. The bridge is 1,629m long and opened on June 8, 1985.


❶ You can take a walk on the sea with “Uzunomichi”! !

ou can take a walk on the sea with “Uzunomichi”

At Onaruto Bridge, you can walk along the “Uzunomichi” and take a walk on the sea.
Onaruto Bridge has a two-tiered structure, with the top floor being a roadway and “Uzunomichi” inside the bridge girder. “Uzunomichi” is located in Naruto Park in Naruto Town, Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture. The total length of this promenade is approximately 450m. As you walk along the promenade, you will find a large observation room at the end. The observation room has four glass floors, allowing you to see the Naruto Strait and the whirlpools from a height of approximately 45 meters above sea level.

❷If you are lucky, you can see the whirlpools from the observation deck.

If you’re lucky, you can see the whirlpools from the observation deck of Uzunomichi.
However, the time when whirlpools occur differs every day.
If you want to see the whirlpools, please check the tide table on the Uzu-no-michi homepage before going out.

➁Explain about Uzushio.

Uzusio is a phenomenon in which seawater swirls and flows violently.
You can also see whirlpools in the Naruto Strait where Onaruto Ohashi Bridge is located.

❶The whirlpools of the Naruto Strait are one of the world’s three major ocean currents

The whirlpools of the Naruto Strait are one of the world’s three major ocean currents.
The other two are the Strait of Messina in Italy and the Strait of Seymour in Canada.

❷I will explain the principle of Uzushio generation.

Uzushio This occurs because of the high and low tides that occur four times a day.
The principle behind whirlpools occurring in the Naruto Strait is as follows.

①The Naruto Strait is sandwiched between two seas: the Harima Sea (Seto Inland Sea) and the Kii Channel (Pacific Ocean).

②High tide and low tide occur every 6 hours four times a day in the Naruto Strait.

③Whenever high tide and low tide occur, ocean currents move between the Harima Sea and the Kii Channel, creating a head difference.

④When a head difference occurs, a fast seawater flow and a slow seawater flow occur.

⑤The difference in speed between fast and slow seawater flows creates whirlpools.

The larger the speed difference at this time, the larger the whirlpool will be.
By the way, the reason why seawater flows fast is because there is nothing blocking the flow of seawater, and the reason why seawater flows slowly is because the ocean current hits the coast and is slowed down.

❸The best time to see big whirlpools is during spring tide.

If you want to see big whirlpools, we recommend visiting during spring tide. There are three tidal differences in the Naruto Strait: spring tide, middle tide, and neap tide. Spring tides are the times when the difference between high and low tides is greatest around the time of a full moon and a new moon. The whirlpools are especially at their largest during spring tides in spring and autumn. The whirlpools that occur at this time can reach 20 to 30 meters in diameter, making them the largest in the world.

“Uzushio Cruising” A boat trip where you can enjoy magnificent nature while looking at the spectacular scenery!!

"Uzushio Cruising"

Uzushio cruising is an experience where you can see Uzushio in the Naruto Strait from a boat. Uzushio Cruises can be boarded from both ports on the Tokushima Prefecture side and Awaji Island.

❶”Uzushio” are not something that can be seen every time…

Whirlpools cannot be seen at any time. The tides occur four times a day, every 6 hours, at low tide and 1 to 2 hours before and after high tide. Also, the time is slightly different every day. It also depends on when the cruise ship can depart. You will also not be able to see Uzushio that occurs outside of cruise ship departure times. If you miss these timings, you will not be able to see Uzushio.

❷The highlight is the torrent that is strong enough to generate Uzushio!!

The highlight of Uzushio is that you can observe the rapids that generate it up close.
In Uzushio cruising, the ship passes very close to the spots where Uzushio occurs. The way the water surface swirls and flows violently is a sight to behold. I’m so scared that I might get caught up in Uzushio at any moment.

The highlight is the torrent that is strong enough to generate Uzushio

▲When I visited, I could only see a small Uzushio. However, I think you will be satisfied because you can see the powerful flow of the tide.

④”Uzu no Oka” A spectacular observation space overlooking the Naruto Strait! ︎

"Uzu no Oka'' A spectacular observation space overlooking the Naruto Strait

 Uzu no oka is a complex facility located in Fukurahei, Minamiawaji City, Hyogo Prefecture. At Uzu no Oka, you can enjoy gourmet food, entertainment, leisure, and more. Simply put, it is a larger version of a roadside station where you can enjoy Awaji Island’s specialties. It is located on a hill near Onaruto Bridge, in a scenic location surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and the Seto Inland Sea. The official name of Uzunooka is “Uzunooka Onaruto Bridge Memorial Museum.” The quite large onion object in the observation plaza is famous.

❶This is what Uzu no oka is like.

Uzunooka is a commercial complex with restaurants, burger shops, markets, science museums, etc. If you go around the back side of Uzu-no-oka, there is literally a hill from where you can see a spectacular panoramic view of about 200 degrees. Furthermore, on the hill there is a huge object with an onion motif. When you enter the hall, there is an onion catcher modeled after a UFO catcher, and if you get one, you will receive 1.5 kg of onions. If you’re feeling hungry, you can enjoy dishes made with onions grown locally on Awaji Island at the popular on-site restaurant, ″Uzu no oka”.

▲You can see Onaruto Bridge from the observation plaza on this hill, and the view is outstanding! !

⑤Access information to Onaruto Bridge

Here you will find detailed information about access to the “Uzu-no-michi” path on Onaruto Ohashi Bridge. The address of “Uzunomichi” of Onaruto Bridge is “Naruto Park, Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture”.

❶Route from Kobe City to Uzunomichi on Naruto Ohashi Bridge by car

Kobe Sannomiya ⇒ Kyobashi Entrance ⇒ Hanshin Route 3 Kobe Line ⇒ Daini Shinmei Road ⇒ Hanshin Route 5 Wangan Line ⇒ Kobe Awaji Naruto Expressway ⇒ Prefectural Route 11 ⇒ Onaruto Bridge Promenade Whirlpool Path 


This time, we introduced the impressive Naruto whirlpools on the Onaruto Ohashi Bridge and Scenic Whirlpool Cruise. The Onaruto Ohashi Bridge Whirlpool Cruise is a spectacular scenic light spot that represents the Naruto Strait. You can see the locations around the Naruto Strait and experience the power of the world’s largest whirlpools for yourself. When you visit the Naruto Straits, we highly recommend visiting the Onaruto Ohashi Bridge and Uzushio Cruise.

▲Onaruto Bridge “Wuzu no Michi”

▲Uzu no Oka

鳴門海峡渦潮観光 淡路島のうずしおクルーズ船 咸臨丸、日本丸の公式サイト。うずしおクルーズ、福良港の魅力をお伝えします。

▲Official site

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