On the border between Wakayama and Mie prefectures, there are five waterfalls that are said to have spectacular views. All of the waterfalls have mystical and healing powers and are popular tourist spots.
Once you visit each waterfall, you will be deeply moved by the roaring sound and violent spray of water.
This time, we will introduce in detail five spectacular waterfalls in Mie, Wakayama, their mysterious and healing power, and a tour of waterfalls on the prefectural border.


①What is the beautiful waterfall that represents Wakayama [Kuwanoki Falls]?

Kuwanoki Falls is a waterfall located in the Kuwanoki Valley in Aiga, Shingu City, Wakayama Prefecture.
Kuwanodani is located on a tributary of the Takada River, which is a tributary of the Kumano River. The name comes from the fact that Yamaguwa used to grow wild there.With a height of 21 meters and a width of approximately 8 meters, it is a majestic and beautiful waterfall that represents Kumano.

You can also enjoy the varied flow of water hitting the exposed rock surface. The route is to head along Prefectural Route 230 to the bridge over the Takada River, then walk along the promenade from the bridge for about 15 minutes to reach Mulberry Falls. The promenade is well maintained, so you can walk with confidence. However, please note that there are no restrooms around Mulberry Tree Falls. In addition, Mulberry Falls is so famous that it has been selected as one of Japan’s top 100 waterfalls.

▲Cross this “Kuwanoiki Bridge”. Passenger cars are not allowed. You can reach the waterfall by walking for about 15 minutes from here.

▲Passing through a quiet stream. The sound gets louder as you get closer to the waterfall.

▲There are handmade logs and bridges, so you can enjoy a moderate sense of adventure.

➁What is the delicate and beautiful waterfall [Nunobiki Falls] that flows silently?

Nunobiki Falls is a waterfall located in the Kirazu Forest in Kumano City, Mie Prefecture.
By the way, there is a waterfall with the same name in Hyogo Prefecture, but they are completely unrelated. Nunobiki Falls in Kumano is a famous waterfall that has been selected as one of Japan’s top 100 waterfalls. The unique feature is that the waterfall has four tiers in total. If you go down the promenade from the road, you will arrive at the foot of the waterfall.

The first tier is 12m, the second tier is 3.5m, the third tier is 7.7m, and the fourth tier is 29.1m, for a total drop of 52m. However, from the observation deck, you can only see the 2nd to 4th tier and cannot see the whole thing. The name comes from the fact that the water flows gently, without making any noise or splashing, just like a rag being hung down. This waterfall has a rather feminine and soft image. What we recommend about Nunobiki Falls is that there are four waterfalls with different characteristics nearby, including Arataki'',Hidden Falls”, and ″Haccho Otaki”.

▲There is also a platform on the road where you can see Nunobiki Falls from above.

▲This place is said to be one of the 48 secret training places related to Kumano faith.

➂About the waterfalls around Nunobiki Falls

Here we will introduce the waterfalls around Nunobiki Falls.

❶Arataki Falls

Arataki is a waterfall located approximately 200m downstream of Nunobiki Falls. Its characteristic is that it is a masculine and violent waterfall, which is the complete opposite of the feminine and gentle Nunobiki Falls. It seems that you can go to the base of the waterfall, but it is a dangerous path.

❷Kakure Daki Waterfall

This waterfall is a waterfall that hangs below the flow of Arataki. It means “hidden waterfall” in Japanese. As the name suggests, it is not directly visible from the road. At that time, I was not able to discover this waterfall or take any photos. The biggest feature of this waterfall is that it is a straight waterfall with beautiful lines.

❸Hatcho Otaki Falls

Hatcho Otaki is a waterfall located downstream of Nunobiki Falls. The main feature of this waterfall is that it is a straight waterfall with a drop of about 10 meters, and there is a large rock at the entrance, making it a spectacular waterfall with a large amount of water.

To get to the waterfall, you have to climb down the slope of a cliff, so getting there is a bit dangerous.
There are no promenades, and it is a natural trail, so it may be difficult to understand for first-timers.
However, you can reach the waterfall in about 5 minutes from the signboard. There is also a waterfall viewing platform, but it is quite rotten and the bottom may fall out, so be careful.

▲You will soon arrive at the waterfall, but be careful as you will be walking on a path without a path. This waterfall is a little-known spot that few people go to, so it might be a good idea to bring a bell or a radio to avoid bears.

④Access information

Here we will introduce detailed access information to Wakayama City Hall in Wakayama Prefecture and Tsu City Hall in Mie Prefecture.

❶ Address of Wakayama City Hall

The address of Wakayama City Hall is 23, 7-Chome, Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture.

❷Route from Osaka City to Wakayama City Hall by car.

Osaka City ⇒ Higashi Osaka Kita IC ⇒ Kinki Expressway ⇒ Matsubara IC ⇒ Hanwa Expressway ⇒Wakayama IC ⇒ Wakayama Minami Smart IC ⇒ Wakayama City Hall

❸Address of Tsu City Hall, Mie Prefecture

The address of Tsu City Hall, Mie Prefecture is 23-1 Nishimarunouchi, Tsu City, Mie Prefecture.

❹Route from Osaka City to Tsu City Hall by car.

Osaka City ⇒ Tenjinbashi JCT ⇒ Hanshin Loop Line 1 ⇒ Higashiosaka JCT ⇒ Kinki Expressway ⇒ Kadoma JCT ⇒ Daini Keihin Road ⇒ Kumiyama JCT ⇒ Keiji Bypass ⇒ Seta Higashi IC ⇒ Shin-Meishin Expressway ⇒ Kameyama JCT ⇒ Kameyama IC ⇒ Tomei Han Expressway ⇒ Tsu IC ⇒ Ise Expressway ⇒ Prefectural Route 42 ⇒ Tsu City Hall


This time, we introduced 5 spectacular waterfalls in Mie, Wakayama, their mysterious and healing power, and a tour of waterfalls on the prefectural border. Every waterfall is sacred, pure, beautiful, and will wash your soul. Therefore, it calms the hearts of those who visit, provides healing, and gives them the vitality to live. If you ever visit the border between Wakayama and Mie prefectures, why not stop by the five spectacular waterfalls introduced this time?

▲Kuwanoki Falls


▲Official site

▲Nunobiki Falls

布引の滝(日本の滝百選) | 観光スポット | 観光三重(かんこうみえ)
日本の滝百選「布引の滝」は、長い年月をかけて熊野花崗岩の岩盤を削り取ってできたものです。滝は四段からなり、一段目は12m、二段目は3.5m、三段目は7.7m、そして四段目は29.1mの落差をもって滝壺にその流れを落としています。 名称の由来は、その名が示すとお...

▲Official site




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