Daisen is a recommended place for viewing autumn leaves in Kanagawa Prefecture. Daisen is famous for its ″Oyama Pilgrimage”, which was visited by 200,000 worshipers every year when the population of Edo was 1 million. The destination of the “Oyama Pilgrimage” was “Afuri Shrine”. Afuri Shrine is also a scenic spot where tourists are greeted by bright red autumn leaves. This time, we will introduce in detail the spectacular view of “Afuri Shrine” in Mt. Daisen, Kanagawa Prefecture, which is dyed bright red.

①【Mt. Oyama】 About scenic mountains in Kanagawa Prefecture‼︎

Daisen is a mountain located in Sakai, Isehara City, Hadano City, and Atsugi City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Oyama is also called “Mt.Afuri”. At an altitude of 1,252 m, there is Afuri Shrine at the top of the mountain, which enshrines a huge rock as an object of worship.


➁ 【Oyama Koma Sando】 You can buy souvenirs, eat, and stay overnight!!

Oyama Koma Sando is the approach to Mt. Daisen. By the way, a sando is a road that you take to visit a shrine or temple. Therefore, if you go up the Daisen Koma Sando, you will find Afuri Shrine and Daisen Temple. Daisen Koma Sando is the approach between the “Oyama Cable Station of the Kanachu Bus” and the “Departure Station of the Daisen Cable Car.” There are about 20 shops lined up on the side of the approach, making it a shopping street. The name Daisen Koma Sando comes from the koma, which was a specialty product during the Edo period, when pilgrimages to Daisen were popular. Daisen Koma Sando has souvenir shops, restaurants, and inns.

 ➂【Oyama Cable Car】 Directly to Afuri Shrine! ︎You can enjoy the autumn leaves without climbing!! ︎

Daisen Cable Car is a cable car that connects the Daisen Cable Car Departure Station to Afuri Shrine Station. The Daisen Cable Car has three stations: Daisen Cable Station, Daisendera Station, and Afuri Shrine Station. The height difference of the Daisen Cable Car is 278 m and the distance is 0.8 km, so it is quite steep. The ride time to Afuri Shrine Station is approximately 6 minutes.

❶When walking up to Afuri Shrine from Daisen Koma Sando

You can walk up to Afuri Shrine from Daisen Koma Sando without using the cable car. When climbing on foot, there are two routes you can take: ″Otokozaka” and ″Onnazaka.” Otokozaka is a steeper slope, while Onnazaka is a gentler slope. Most of Otokozaka is a cliff, so if you have the physical strength you can take Otokozaka, but if you are not confident in your physical strength, it is better to choose Onnazaka.

④【Daisanji Temple】 The tunnel of autumn leaves on the stone steps is so beautiful!! ︎

Daisenji is a temple located on Mt. Daisen.

It was founded in the 7th year of the Tenpyo Shoho era (755), during the Nara period. This temple is also famous for having prayed for Iemitsu to become the third shogun of the Tokugawa family at the beginning of the Edo period. Daisenji Temple has stone stairs that are beautiful whether you look down from above or below. During the fall foliage season, the area is lit up and the stone steps turn into a maple tunnel, creating a magical and romantic atmosphere for visitors.

⑤【Oyama Afuri Shrine】 Enjoy the autumn leaves and the scenery is outstanding‼︎

Oyama Afuri Shrine is a shrine located on Mt. Oyama. Oyama Afuri Shrine is also a famous spot for autumn leaves. There is also Afuri Shrine Station, the terminal station on the mountaintop side of the Oyama Cable Car. It takes about 3 minutes on foot from the station to Oyama Afuri Shrine. The view from here is so spectacular that it was awarded two stars in the Michelin Green Guide Japan. However, since the altitude is high and it is colder than on the ground, we recommend that you wear warm clothes when climbing. From here there is another mountain trail that leads to the summit at an altitude of 1251.7m.

⑥Explanation about the summit of Mt. Oyama‼︎

Climbing the mountain trail from Oyama Afuri Shrine will take you to the summit. There are restrooms and shops near the summit, making it safe even for beginners. It takes about 40 minutes to walk from Oyama bus stop at the foot of the mountain to Afuri Shrine, and about 90 minutes to walk from Oyama Afuri Shrine to the summit.

▲The view from the top of the mountain is good, and on a clear day you can see Enoshima, the Boso Peninsula, and Izu Oshima, and if you have a telescope, you can even see the Sky Tree.

▲There is a mountain hut at the top of the mountain where you can take a break and eat snacks and cup ramen.

▲It takes about 90 minutes to walk from Oyama Afuri Shrine to the mountaintop.Arrive. There are open areas along the way up the mountain, so it’s a good idea to take a break and climb slowly.

⑦Oyama event information

Here you will find detailed information about Oyama events.

❶Autumn leaves illumination of Mt. Daisen

The area around Oyama Afuri Shrine and Oyama Temple are illuminated during the season. The period is around the end of November every year. Hours are from sunset to 7pm on weekdays, and from sunset to 8pm on weekends and holidays.

⑧Access information to Daisen Koma Sando

Here you will find detailed information about access to Daisen Koma Sando. The address of Oyama Koma Sando is 574 Oyama, Isehara City, Kanagawa Prefecture.

❶Route to Oyama Koma Sando by car

Isehara Daisen IC (Isehara City, Kanagawa Prefecture) ⇒ Prefectural Route 611 (5 km, 10 minutes) ⇒ Daisen Koma Sando

Summary of the scenic mountain Oyama in Kanagawa Prefecture‼︎

This time, we introduced the spectacular ″Afuri Shrine” in Mt. Daisen, Kanagawa Prefecture, which is dyed bright red. Afuri Shrine and Daisen-dera Temple in Daisen, Kanagawa Prefecture are the best spots for viewing autumn leaves. We recommend viewing the autumn leaves that bloom on both sides of the stone steps leading from Daisen-dera Temple to Afuri Shrine, which are especially beautiful, making for the best autumn foliage viewing experience.can seeMasu. The views from Afuri Shrine and the mountaintop are spectacular, and on a clear day you can see all the buildings in Tokyo. When you visit Kanagawa Prefecture, why not visit Afuri Shrine and Daisen Temple in Daisen?

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