Gunma Prefecture【Doai Station】 70 meters underground!! The best mole station in Japan

Doai Station is said to be the best mole station in Japan. If it’s a subway, the platform is naturally underground. However, Doai Station, which we will introduce this time, is not a subway station. It’s a general train. Doai Station is actually a station whose platform is in a surprising location. This time, we will introduce in detail Doai Station in Gunma Prefecture, Japan’s No. 1 Mogura Station, which is located in an extraordinary location.

①【Doai Station】462 steps!! ︎Japan’s best mole station!! ︎

【Doai Station】462 steps!! ︎Japan's best mole station

Doai Station is a station located in Minakami Town, Tone District, Gunma Prefecture. Doai Station is commonly known as ″Japan’s No. 1 Mole Station.”


❶Why it is called “Japan’s No. 1 Mole Station”

Why it is called “Japan’s No. 1 Mole Station”

The reason why Doai Station is called “Japan’s No. 1 Mole Station” is because the platform is underground. A platform is a platform where you can get on and off a train. Doai Station is an above-ground station on the up line and an underground station on the down line. The platform with the down line is called “Japan’s No. 1 Mogura Station”. The underground platform at Doai Station has an elevation difference of about 70m from ground level, has 462 steps, and takes about 10 minutes to get down to the platform. With an elevation difference of approximately 70m, Doai Station is the deepest station in Japan from ground level.

❷This station is also famous as a haunted spot.

This station is also famous as a haunted spot.

Doai Station is also famous as a haunted spot. This is just a rumor, but it is said that the spirits of those who lost their lives at Mt. Tanigawa appear on the platform of Doai Station’s underground station. Doai Station is actually located at the foot of Mt. Tanigawadake.

Mt. Tanigawa is a mountain that has been listed in the Guinness World Records as the mountain that has claimed the most lives of climbers in the world. Because Doai Station is located near Mt. Tanigawa, and because the platform is dark and damp underground, it is said that the spirits of those who lost their lives at Mt. Tanigawa may be haunted. Despite these aspects, the station is a beautiful and wonderful station.

➁【Tone River】 One of the largest rivers in the Kanto region‼︎ ︎

The Tone River is one of the largest rivers in Japan that flows through the Kanto region. By the way, the Tone River is also called “Bando Taro”. The name Bando Taro means “Japan’s largest river in the Kanto region.” In the past, the Kanto region was called “Bando”, and since it is the largest river in Japan, it was named ″Taro”, which means the eldest son of all rivers in Japan.

❶What is the Tone River basin?

The Tone River basin covers Tokyo and five prefectures. The source of the Tone River is located in Ominakamiyama. Mt. Omizukami is a mountain located at the border of Uonuma City, Niigata Prefecture, Minamiuonuma City, Niigata Prefecture, and Minakami Town, Tone District, Gunma Prefecture. From Mt. Ōminakami (Minakami Town, Tone District, Gunma Prefecture), it passes through Saitama Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, and Tokyo, and finally exits from Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture to the Pacific Ocean. By the way, Minakami-cho, Tone-gun, Gunma Prefecture, where the source of the Tone River is located, is where Doai Station is located.

➂What is Gunma 【Minakami Hodaigi Ski Resort】?

What is Gunma 【Minakami Hodaigi Ski Resort】

Gunma Minakami Hodaigi Ski Resort is a ski resort located in Minakami Town, Tone District, Gunma Prefecture. The original famous spot was Minakami Hodaigi Ski Resort. However, when it was decided to be operated by Minakami Houdaigi Resort Co., Ltd., it changed its current name to Gunma Minakami Houdaigi Ski Resort.

❶Ski resort with beautiful scenery.

Gunma Minakami Hodaigi Ski Resort is a ski resort with beautiful scenery. The scenery is good for three reasons:

①Because it is located at an altitude of 1,400m

Gunma Minakami Hodaigi Ski Resort is located at an altitude of 1,400m. As a result, you can see far-off views of Mt. Asahidake, Mt. Tanigawadake, and the Kanto Plain.

②There are many slopes facing north.

Gunma Minakami Hodaigi Ski Resort is a ski resort with many slopes facing north. Therefore, it is difficult for the snow to melt because it is difficult for sunlight to reach it. As a result, the snow remains clean and doesn’t break, so you can enjoy a great view.

③Because there is no obstruction around you

Gunma Minakami Hodaigi Ski Resort is a ski resort with unobstructed surroundings. Therefore, you can look out in all directions and enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view. For these three reasons, Gunma Minakami Hodaigi Ski Resort can be said to be a ski resort with beautiful scenery.

④What is Takaragawa Onsen Osenkaku?

Takaragawa Onsen Osenkaku is a hot spring located in Fujiwara, Minakami Town, Tone District, Gunma Prefecture. The origin of the name Takaragawa Onsen is that it is located along the Takaragawa River, a tributary of the uppermost reaches of the Tone River.

❶Famous mixed bathing hot spring

Takaragawa Onsen Osenkaku is a famous mixed bathing hot spring. Three of the four types of baths are mixed baths. One is also available exclusively for women. Currently, “bathing clothes” are provided for both men and women. Therefore, women can also take a mixed bath with peace of mind.

⑤Access information to Doai Station

Here you will find detailed information about access to Doai Station. The address of Doai Station is “Yubiso, Minakami-cho, Tone-gun, Gunma Prefecture.”

❶Route from Minakami IC to Doai Station by car

Minakami IC ⇒ National Route 291 ⇒ Doai Station

The total travel distance is approximately 12.8km, and the travel time is approximately 20 minutes.


This time, we introduced Doai Station in Gunma Prefecture, Japan’s No. 1 Mogura Station, which is located in an extraordinary location. The appeal of Doai Station in Gunma Prefecture is that it is located 70 meters underground. Moreover, it is not a bright and exciting space like a subway platform. It’s a rather dark and damp place. However, its unique underground fortress-like atmosphere has become popular, and it has now become a popular tourist spot. It is also recommended for train fans. When you visit Gunma Prefecture, why not stop by Doai Station?

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