In Mie Prefecture, Kumano Kodo is said to be a pilgrimage route that has continued since ancient times.
It has now become a world-famous pilgrimage route, having been walked by many people over the years.There are also Onigajo and Matsumoto Pass along the Kumano Kodo. So, what exactly is Kumano Kodo? This time, we will introduce in detail about Mie Prefecture’s Kumano Kodo, Onigajo, the home of demons, and Matsumoto Pass, where the Jizo statue is enshrined.


What exactly is Kumano Kodo?

Kumano Kodo is a pilgrimage route that has been passed down on the Kii Peninsula. Pilgrimage roads are roads used when visiting religious places and praying to the gods and Buddha. The Kumano Kodo is a pilgrimage route that spans Mie, Nara, Wakayama, and Osaka prefectures on the Kii Peninsula. There are a total of six pilgrimage routes in the Kumano Kodo, and the total length of these six routes is 1,000 km. By the way, Kumano Kodo was registered as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 2004.

What kind of place is “Matsumoto Pass” that you can easily enjoy on Kumano Kodo?

Matsumoto Pass is a mountain pass located in Kumano City, Mie Prefecture. It is about a 10 minute walk from Onigajo Center. The summit of Matsumoto Pass is only about 135 meters above sea level, so even beginners can easily climb it. It is a spot where you can enjoy a unique and historic landscape with tree roots intertwined with the stone pavement.

The definition of a mountain pass is the highest point in a place, or the place before or after the highest point. Matsumoto Pass is one of the Kumano Kodo routes and is located on the Iseji route that connects Ise Jingu and the Kumano Sanzan. On the map, it is located in the southeastern part of Mie Prefecture. The top of Matsumoto Pass is located at the top of Matsumoto Pass. Climb the stone pavement at the entrance of Matsumoto Pass and you will find a Jizo statue surrounded by a bamboo forest. There is also a bench at the top where you can take a break.

There is also an arbor located 5 minutes walk from the top of Matsumoto Pass. From the gazebo here, you can see the World Heritage Site “Shichirimihama”.

▲This Jizo statue is 3m tall. There is a legend that a local hunter mistook it for a monster and shot it with a gun. There seems to be a gunshot mark on the side of the Jizo statue.

▲There are several benches set up at the top of the pass to soothe travelers’ fatigue.

About the history of Matsumoto Pass.

It is said that the stone pavement was created during the Edo period. Matsumoto Pass was originally just a mountain pass with nothing in it. However, an incident occurred during the Edo period. The incident occurred when a fisherman and the owner of a fishing boat got into a big fight, resulting in each man being injured with a knife. The cobblestone pavement of Matsumoto Pass was built because the Magistrate’s Office, which replaced the court at the time, ordered the maintenance of the Matsumoto Pass mountain road in order to punish fishermen and fishing boat owners for picking fights.

What kind of place is Onigajo, a spot where you can stroll along the cliffs?

Onigajo is a quay located in Kumano City, Mie Prefecture. A quay is a steep, wall-like shore. However, it is not just a quay. It has been carved out by rough waves and uplifted by large earthquakes, making it a rugged cliff with countless large and small caves and sharp edges. Its fierce shape makes it look like a demon.

The origin of Onigajo’s name is a demon. A long time ago, pirates attacked ships passing through difficult areas in the Kumano Sea. It was named “Onigajo” which means ″castle where demons live” because it was the place where pirates lived. Onigajo has received numerous honors due to its overwhelming beauty. Famous places include ″Japan’s 100 Views,” ″National Natural Monuments,” ″New Japan’s Top 100 Travel Destinations,” and UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Cultural Heritage).

About the history of Onigajo ~Tamuramaro’s demon extermination legend~Onigajo is historical!!

Onigajo first appeared in history in the Tamuramaro legend of demon extermination. The basis for this legend is that during the reign of Emperor Kanmu (737-806), Tamuramaro was ordered by the emperor to exterminate demons. However, it was not a real demon, but the pirate Tagamaru, who was ravaging the Kumano sea at the time. Tagamaru was evil like a demon and was feared by people, so he was called a demon by the people of the time. From here, Onigajo was called “Oni no Iwaya” and came to be called Onigajo as it is today.

▲Although chains and fences are installed on the basic cliffs, there are many places where the footing is poor and it is difficult to pass each other. Please wear comfortable shoes and be careful when walking.

You can walk around for about an hour. You can also return to the parking lot through the tunnel.

▲There are many places in Onigajo where the cliffs have been carved away by waves and winds, providing protection from the rain and wind. It’s like a work of art created by nature. Pirates may have been hiding in places like this in the past.

▲The sea is blue and beautiful, but the waves crashing against it are quite impressive. There are also occasional sightings of whales.


This time, we introduced Onigajo, the home of demons, and Matsumoto Pass, where Jizo statues are enshrined, on the Kumano Kodo in Mie Prefecture. Onigajo and Matsumoto Pass, both located on the Kumano Kodo in Mie Prefecture, are places full of attractions. One thing that can be said about both is that it is one of the Kumano Kodo routes and is located on the Iseji route that connects Ise Jingu and Kumano Sanzan. This will make Iseji a more enjoyable and rewarding pilgrimage route. Kumano Kodo Iseji in Mie Prefecture is a popular tourist spot with Onigajo and Matsumoto Pass. When you visit Mie Prefecture, we highly recommend visiting Onigajo and Matsumoto Pass on the Kumano Kodo Iseji Route.

▲Matsumoto Pass


世界でも珍しい道の世界遺産「紀伊山地の霊場と参詣道」。「熊野古道伊勢路」は「伊勢神宮」から「熊野三山」までの道中、美しい石畳や竹林、熊野灘の絶景などを体感できる “祈りの道”です。

▲Official site

Watch this place in the video! !

▲Matsumoto Pass




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