The most recommended night view in Okayama Prefecture is the Mizushima Complex Factory Night View. The night view of the Mizushima Industrial Complex is popular not only with factory enthusiasts, but also with couples, people who enjoy driving, and photographers.

Washuzan Skyline Mizushima Observatory is a great place to view the night view of the Mizushima Industrial Complex. This time, we will introduce in detail the night view of Mt. Washuzan Skyline Mizushima Observation Deck and the spectacular Mizushima Complex.

➁【Mizushima Observatory】You can see the night view of the factory‼︎

Mizushima Observatory is an observation deck located in Yomonmatsu-cho, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. The location is along the road along the Washuzan skyline. It is one of the most famous night view spots in Okayama, and the night view of the Mizushima Industrial Complex from here is spectacular.

❶What kind of observation deck is it?

Mizushima Observation Deck is a small observation deck located along the road along the Washuzan Skyline. However, the view from here promises to be spectacular. At the top of the concrete stairs, there is a signboard with a photo of the entire Mizushima Waterfront Industrial Zone. Therefore, you can look at the night view while looking at the signboard.

❷What kind of scenery can you see?

From the Mizushima Observation Deck, you can see the Seto Ohashi Bridge in front of you, as well as a panoramic view of the Mizushima Industrial Complex. On sunny days with clear air, you can see even further into the distance. We recommend visiting on weekdays when there are fewer people visiting.

➂【Shiodori area】You can see the factory up close‼︎

The Shiodori area is the factory site located within the Mizushima Industrial Complex.ShiodoriIf you go up to it, you can see the entire Mizushima Industrial Complex right in front of your eyes. There are many factories lined up along the road, so it’s best to get an idea of ​​where you’re going and take a night tour of the factories.

④ Long embankment of Sanoyasu Shipbuilding.

Sanoyas Shipbuilding is a shipyard located within the Mizushima complex in Kojima-Shiono, Kurashiki City. It is located in the area on the south side of Mizushima Industrial Complex. A distinctive feature is the long embankment on the coast of the Sanoyas Shipbuilding site.

❶You can see the night view of Mizushima Industrial Complex from the tip of the long embankment.

Sanoyasu Shipbuilding Long Embankment is a spectacular spot where you can see the night view of the Mizushima Industrial Complex. The tip of the embankment is above the sea, so there are no obstacles in the way, and you can look around 360 degrees. The recommended night view from here is the night view of the JEF Steel factory on the opposite bank. However, since the distance is quite long, you will need a telephoto lens when taking pictures.

⑤【National Route 430】You can see the night view while driving‼︎

National Route 430 is a national highway that connects Kurashiki City and Tamano City in Okayama Prefecture. The starting point is the Kasumibashi Higashizume intersection in Kurashiki City, and the ending point is the Uno Ekimae intersection in Tamano City. The total length is 39.8km.

❶ Tour the Mizushima industrial complex

National Route 430 is a road that takes you around Mizushima Industrial Complex. Since it passes along the Mizushima industrial complex, you can see the night view of almost all the factories. National Route 430 is also recommended as there are photo spots on the pedestrian bridge and near the graveyard.

⑥Access information to Washuzan Skyline Mizushima Observation Deck

Here you will find detailed information about access to Washuzan Skyline Mizushima Observation Deck. The address of Mt. Washuzan Skyline Mizushima Observatory is “Yobimatsu-cho, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture”.

❶Route by car from Kurashiki City Hall to Mt. Washuzan Skyline Mizushima Observation Deck

Kurashiki City Hall (640 Nishinakashinden, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture) ⇒ Prefectural Route 22 ⇒ Prefectural Route 62 ⇒ Prefectural Route 393 ⇒ Washuzan Skyline Mizushima Observation Deck

The total travel distance is approximately 14.6 km, and the travel time is approximately 26 minutes.

Summary 【Mizushima Complex】

This time, we introduced the night view of Mt. Washuzan Skyline Mizushima Observation Deck and the spectacular Mizushima Complex. If you want to see the night view of the Mizushima industrial complex, the Washuzan Skyline Mizushima Observation Deck is recommended. You can enjoy the night view while forgetting the time as you can enjoy the view from the top of the observation deck. When you visit Okayama Prefecture, why not stop by Washuzan Skyline Mizushima Observation Deck?

「水島工業地帯(水島コンビナート)」の情報は「岡山観光WEB」で。瀬戸内海に臨む総面積約2500haの空間に200を超える事業所が立地するコンビナートです。石油精製、鉄鋼生産、自動車などを基幹に、日本を代表する重化学コンビナートとして発展を続けています。 美し...

▲Official site

What is Washuzan Skyline?

Washuzan Skyline is a road that connects Hiroe, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture to Shimotsui Fukiage. It opened in 1970. The total length is 18.5 km.

❶Why the Washuzan Skyline was created

The reason Washuzan Skyline was built was to create a new tourist spot in Okayama Prefecture. The highlight is that you can see the Mizushima Industrial Complex and the Seto Inland Sea while driving. The local attempt was a success, and Washuzan Skyline became a popular tourist spot in Kurashiki upon opening. At the time of its opening, it had a traffic volume of nearly 500,000 vehicles a year, even though it was a tourist toll road. Later, in 1995, it was opened to the public free of charge and became the public road it is today.

❷Currently popular as a driving course

Washuzan Skyline is now a popular road as a driving course. Washuzan Skyline has two lanes on both sides, and there are almost no sharp curves or ups and downs. Overall, it runs smoothly and is recommended for driving by car or motorcycle. Also, since the road is basically carved out of a mountain road, there are no houses along the road. Therefore, you can drive safely without worrying about the presence of passersby.

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