In Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, there is a night view spot where you can see a beautiful night view of factories at night. The night view spot is “Kawasaki Factory” located in the Kawasaki waterfront area. At night, the vast grounds of the Kawasaki Plant are lit up with lights, creating a beauty reminiscent of a theme park lit up. This time, we will introduce in detail Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Kawasaki factory night view spot that shines at night.

①【Kawasaki factory night view】 Japan’s three major factory night views!!

【Kawasaki factory night view】 Japan's three major factory night views

Kawasaki Factory Night View is the night view that can be seen from the Kawasaki Factory Area in the Keihin Industrial Area. The Kawasaki factory area where you can see the night view is called the Kawasaki waterfront area. The Kawasaki waterfront area occupies approximately 20% of Kawasaki City and 70% of Kawasaki Ward, and has a total area of ​​approximately 2,800 ha, an area the size of approximately 600 Tokyo Domes. This is an area of ​​Kawasaki Ward that almost faces the sea, and you can see the beautiful night view from the Kawasaki Factory.


❶Night view of Japan’s three major factories.

Kawasaki Factory Night View is one of the three major factory night views in Japan. The other two are the night view of the Chukyo Industrial Area and the night view of the Hanshin Industrial Area.

❷Various factory night view spots.

Various factory night view spots

The Kawasaki Factory has a variety of night view spots. The reasons are that the site is large, the shape of the building is suitable for night views, and there is a lot of lighting. It’s like lighting up at a theme park and is recommended for night scenery.

❸Night view cruising is being held.

Kawasaki Factory Night View Cruising is currently being held in the Kawasaki waterfront area. It is said that the Kawasaki Factory Night View Cruising was first held about 15 years ago. At that time, the city of Kawasaki and the people involved had a cold attitude, and the general atmosphere was that “Kawasaki Factory Night View Cruising” would never be a success. However, as soon as the cruise started, it became so popular that reservations even three months in advance were not possible. By the way, the Kawasaki Factory Night View Cruising is the forerunner of the “Factory Night View Cruise” that is currently being held all over Japan.

➁【Chidori Canal】 Beautiful night view reflected on the river surface!! ︎

【Chidori Canal】 Beautiful night view reflected on the river surface

Chidori Canal is a canal that runs along the north side of the Chidori town area in the Kawasaki coastal area. Chidori Canal has Chidori town district and Shiohama Higashi district on both banks.

❶Highlights of the night view of Chidori Canal.

Highlights of the night view of Chidori Canal

ChidoriThe best night views of the canal are on both sides of the canal.ChidoriThe night view of the town district and factories in the Shiohama East district is beautifully reflected on the river surface. The factories on both sides have different lighting arrangements and colors. Therefore, the night view is completely different.on the riverIt will be reflected.

➂【Ogibashi】 Night view of White Castle from the bridge!!

【Ogibashi】 Night view of White Castle from the bridge

What is Ougi Bridge?OugiThis is a bridge that spans the Minamitoda Canal that runs between the town and Asano town districts.

❶Highlights of the night view of Ougi Bridge.

OugiHighlights of the night view of the bridgeOugiThis is a night view of the Showa Denko plant on the west side of the bridge. The reason is that the entire plant shines with green and white lighting, giving it a special beauty. Showa Denko’s plant is a night view spot with such a strong presence that it is also called “White Castle.”

④【Higashiogishima Higashi Park] Wide-ranging night view from the port‼︎

【Higashiogishima Higashi Park] Wide-ranging night view from the port

EastOugiWhat is Shimato Park?OugiThis is a park located at the eastern tip of the island area. The unique feature of this park is that it is more than three times the size of Tokyo Dome.

❶Highlights of the night view of Higashi Ougi Island Higashi Park.

EastOugiThe highlight of Shimato Park’s night view is that you can see the night view of the opposite bank from the park. On the opposite shore are the ENEOS Kawasaki Refinery, the Nippon Shokubai factory, and a group of tanks, which shine brightly at night. Also, when you look up at the night sky, you can see the lights of planes taking off and landing at Haneda Airport, which creates a romantic atmosphere if you go there with your partner.

⑤【ENEOS Kawasaki Refinery】 Night view full of science fiction elements!! ︎

【ENEOS Kawasaki Refinery】 Night view full of science fiction elements

The ENEOS Kawasaki Refinery is an ENEOS refinery that straddles the Chidoricho, Ukishimacho, and Shiohama Higashi districts of the Kawasaki coastal area. ENEOS Kawasaki Refinery was previously known as TonenGeneral Sekiyu and JXTG Energy Kawasaki Refinery. The name has been changed to the current “ENEOS Kawasaki Refinery” since 2020.

❶Highlights of the night view of ENEOS Kawasaki Refinery.

The highlight of the night view of the ENEOS Kawasaki Refinery is that you can see the huge plant complex while driving. The road in front of ENEOS Kawasaki Refinery is wide and is a recommended night view spot for night drives.

⑥Kawasaki Industrial Complex 【Chidoricho Yard】 Collaboration of railroad tracks and night view!! ︎

Kawasaki Industrial Complex Chidoricho Yard is a corner located in the northwest of the Chidoricho district. The Chidori Canal is flowing in front of you.

❶Highlights of the night view of Kawasaki Industrial Complex Chidoricho Yard.

The highlight of the night view of Kawasaki Industrial Complex Chidoricho Yard is that Nippon Shokubai plants are lined up along the road, making it look like a location from a science fiction movie. This place is the most famous of the Kawasaki factory night view spots. If you don’t know where to start to see the night view, we recommend that you first take a look at the night view of Kawasaki Industrial Complex Chidoricho Yard.

⑦Access information to Higashi Ougi Island Higashi Park

Here you will find detailed information about access to Higashi Ougi Shima Higashi Park. The address of Higashi Ogishima Higashi Park is 58-1 Higashi Ougijima, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture.

❶Route from Kawasaki Station to Higashi Ougi Island Higashi Park by car

Kawasaki Station (Horikawa-cho, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture) ⇒ Prefectural Route 9 ⇒ Kawasaki Station Higashi-Ogishima Line ⇒ National Route 132 ⇒ Gulf Coast Road ⇒ National Route 357 ⇒ Higashi Ougi Island Higashi Park

The total travel distance is approximately 9.0km, and the travel time is approximately 20 minutes.

Summary of Kawasaki factory night view.

This time, we introduced the Kawasaki factory night view spot that shines at night in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The Kawasaki waterfront area in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture is a night view spot perfect for night view cruising and night driving. The site is spacious and lined with giant plants, so if you visit at night, you’ll feel as if you’ve wandered into a labyrinth of lights. When you visit Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, why not stop by the Kawasaki Factory Night View Spot?

川崎市の工場夜景 最新情報!「全国夜景都市協議会」加盟の川崎市が発信する工場夜景スポットの情報や、ツアー情報、フォトギャラリーなど。あなたの工場夜景写真・体験談も募集中!

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