Kanagawa【Hakone Marquetry】 A traditional craft created by the rich nature of Hakone

★Wooden Secret Puzzle Box, 4 Sun 21 Steps, Japan Made, with Original Gift Box.

Kanagawa Prefecture is home to Hakone Yosegi Zaiku, a traditional craft that represents Japan. Hakone marquetry is a traditional craft that was born 200 years ago during the Edo period. However, it has an elaborate and detailed design that even modern people would be surprised to see. This time, we will introduce in detail Hakone Parquet in Kanagawa Prefecture, a traditional craft created by the rich nature of Hakone.

①What is【Hakone Yosegi Zaiku】 famous for secret boxes?

What is 【Hakone Yosegi Zaiku】 famous for secret boxes?

★Search results for “Hakone Secret Box”

Hakone Yosegi Zaiku is a wood craft made in the Hakone area of ​​Kanagawa Prefecture. Specifically, they are made in the Hatajuku and Hakone Yumoto areas of Hakone Town, Odawara City, and Minamiashigara City.


❶What is marquetry?

Marquetry is a wood craft that combines multiple pieces of wood of different colors and textures to create a woodwork design. The Kiguchi design is a vivid design that resembles looking into a kaleidoscope. The designs include geometric patterns and traditional designs passed down from ancient Japan.

❷History of Hakone marquetry.

Here we will introduce the history of Hakone parquet work, divided into three parts.

① Craftsmanship begins to be made at Hatajuku in Hakone

In 1556, about 460 years ago during the Warring States period, wood turning crafts first began to be made in Hatajuku, Hakone. Hikimonozaiku refers to tools that are made by cutting or polishing. The technique of turning wood will contribute to the birth of Hakone marquetry in the future.

② Birth of Hakone marquetry

Hakone Yosegi Zaiku was born during the Koka era (1845-1848) when a craftsman from Hakone brought the techniques of Yosegi Zaiku back from Shizuoka, where Yosegi Zaiku was popular at the time, and created it at Hakone Hatajuku. It is said that the origin of marquetry work was based on the techniques of master craftsmen from various regions who were involved in the construction of Sengen Shrine by Tokugawa Iemitsu, the third shogun of the Edo shogunate. Hatajuku is located exactly halfway between Odawara and Hakone, and flourished as a post town during the Edo period.

③ Birth of various innovative technologies

During the Meiji period, various innovative techniques for Hakone marquetry were born. He perfected the technique of machine-turned wood inlay in 1899, devised the secret box in 1892, and devised woodwork in 1891. As a result of these achievements, Hakone marquetry has greatly developed in terms of technology, quality, and shipment volume.

▲The most famous piece of Hakone marquetry is this “secret box.” The box in this photo can be opened by following 21 steps.

▲ “Box where coins disappear” If you put a coin inside and turn it over, the coin will disappear. Flip it further and a coin will appear.

❸Characteristics of Hakone marquetry.

The characteristics of Hakone marquetry are as follows.

① Made only around Hakone

Hakone Yosegi Zaiku is only produced in the Hatajuku and Hakone Yumoto areas of Hakone Town, Odawara City, and Minamiashigara City. Currently, approximately 16 workshops are active.

②One craftsman builds it alone until completion.

Hakone marquetry does not have a division of labor like other crafts. It is made by one craftsman from start to finish.

③Local wood is used as material

Hakone marquetry uses mostly local wood as materials. The reason is that Hakone is mountainous, the land has different heights, and there are many different types of trees growing there. Therefore, more than 50 types of trees with different colors and wood types can be used as materials for Hakone marquetry. This point in particular is something that cannot be imitated in other regions.

❹How many types of marquetry patterns are there?

How many types of marquetry patterns are there?

★Wooden Secret Puzzle Box, 4 Sun 21 Steps, Japan Made, with Original Gift Box.

There are approximately 50 to 60 types of marquetry patterns. Furthermore, it is said that there are over 200 different types of wood, depending on the color, arrangement, and combination of the wood. The commonly used marquetry patterns are as follows.


Ichimatsu is a pattern in which squares of different colors are arranged like a checkerboard. It is famous for being used in the manga “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.”


Turtle shell is a pattern of hexagons arranged like a turtle shell. Turtles are considered lucky creatures, so they are often used in Hakone marquetry.

③ Arrow feather pattern (Yahanemoyo)

An arrow feather pattern is a pattern in which arrow feathers of different colors are arranged in succession. It is often used as a talisman to ward off evil spirits and as a lucky charm for New Year’s holidays.

➁【Hatajuku Yosegi Hall】 You can experience parquet work‼︎

【Hatajuku Yosegi Hall】 You can experience parquet work‼︎

Hatajuku Yosegi Kaikan is a comprehensive facility related to Hakone Yosegi Zaiku located in Hatajuku, Hakone Town, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa Prefecture. You can exhibit and sell Hakone parquet work, and try your hand at making a parquet coaster. It is commonly known as the “village of marquetry.” If you go here, you can learn all about Hakone parquet work.

➂【Hiryu Falls】 Spectacular waterfall near Yosegizaiku no Sato!!

【Hiryu Falls】 Spectacular waterfall near Yosegizaiku no Sato

Hiryu Falls is a waterfall located in Hatajuku, Hakone Town, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa Prefecture. The name comes from the shape of the waterfall, which resembles a dragon. Hiryu Falls is a two-tiered waterfall, with the upper tier being approximately 15m and the lower tier being approximately 25m. The rocks are quite broken, so you need to be careful when looking at them up close. If anything, it is a soothing waterfall.

▲The route to the waterfall is quite steep and takes about 30 minutes from Hatajuku Yosegi Kaikan. Wear shoes that are comfortable to walk inWearingtrekkinglet’s.

④Access information to Hatajuku Yosegi Hall

Here you will find detailed information about access to Hatajuku Yosegi Kaikan. The address of Hatajuku Yosegi Hall is Hatajuku, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture.

❶Route from Hakone Onsen to Hatajuku Yosegi Hall by car

Hakone Yumoto (Yumoto, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture) ⇒ National Route 1 ⇒ Sukumokawa IC Exit ⇒ Hatajuku Parquet Hall

The total travel distance is approximately 7.9 km, and the travel time is approximately 14 minutes.

Summary of Hakone marquetry

★Search results for “Hakone Secret Box”

This time, we introduced Hakone marquetry in Kanagawa Prefecture, a traditional craft created by the rich nature of Hakone. The area around Hakone in Kanagawa Prefecture is home to Hakone Yosegi Zaiku, one of Japan’s most representative wood crafts. They are elaborate, detailed, and come in a variety of designs that you will never get tired of. When you visit the Hakone area in Kanagawa Prefecture, we highly recommend that you take a look at Hakone Yosegi Zaiku.

日本屈指の樹種を誇る箱根山系。 様々な樹木が持つ自然の色を活かし、それぞれ集めて精緻な幾何学模様を作り出す技術、それが箱根寄木細工です。 寄木細工とは、その名の通り「木を寄せ集めて」つくる工芸品のこと。

▲Official site

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★Wooden Secret Puzzle Box, 4 Sun 21 Steps, Japan Made, with Original Gift Box.

★Visit our Japanese Parquet Store.

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